Do you remember the 80s? The fashion trends were definitely much more fun than the things many people wear now. Remember the scrunched up socks? The rolled up jeans? Pony tails off to one side? How about those bright colored clothes? People still love those styles. No wonder they throw 80's themed parties still to this day.
If you ever find yourself invited to a themed 80s fashion party, do some serious research on the wardrobe for your party. Be the one who stands out at the party. Maybe you can win the best of the 80's contest if they even have one.
Doing your research on the internet is the best thing you can do. You can find anything you want to know about the 80's just by searching Google. Search old 80's movies and see what their characters wore. Ask your parents what their favorite fashions were in the 80's. They may even have a photograph of themselves during that time period. What fun that would be to see!
Researching 80's fashions is fun, entertaining for sure, and don't forget to look at the hair styles. The hair styles of the 80's will finish the entire look. Get out the Aqua Net! Have fun researching and hope to see your best 80's wear. I'll make a post on my FB page so you can leave a photo comment.
Can't wait to see them!